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New Nation church of Africa

New Nation Church
of Uganda

New Nation CHurch, Kampala-MutUngo

New Nation Church Mutongo

We originally launched a congregation in the Mutongo District of Kampala in 2008. In order to purchase land and construct a new building, the church relocated to the Bukasa district of the city. Sadly, corruption overwhelmed the leadership in that location so the apostolic leadership of New Nation Church International had no choice but to sever ties with those leaders and close the congregation.


Meanwhile, Minister Yatuha Etheldreda 'kept the light on' in Mutongo, where she lives by opening her home to other Christian believers while completing a Bible College degree. She raised up, trained and disciplined other believers, including Minister Steven Ntale, and the group grew into a congregation. Minister Yathua and Minister Steven were both ordained and our Mutongo congregation officially re-launched in April 2018 when Apostle Todd Cataldo and his wife Minister Ruth Cataldo were in Kampala.


Since then, the has grown with many people having come to faith, getting delivered from all sorts of issues, getting baptised, being discipled, and holding fervent prayer meetings as well as helping meet the needs of many people in the Mutungo District of Kampala. As the congregation contiues to grow, we are praying about the best way to accomodate that growth as available land is scarce in Mutungo. We are praying about building upwards, on top of the existing house to create a bigger worship space and dedicated areas for other uses for the congregation. 

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